The Film

REVELATIONS CAFÉ is a feature length documentary film that tells the story of Mia and Robby Graham, two improbable founders of a unique plant-based, faith-based café in Lutz, Florida. With little more than divine inspirations, Mia and Robby built their dream café from the ground up in a former mattress store with no existing kitchen. They had a vision for a café based on their Christian faith, but they had no experience in the restaurant business and their menu did not include meat or alcohol. Considering these challenges, and the fact that half of all new restaurants fail, they faced long odds.

Robby supported her strategy to make the café vegetarian, but he wasn’t onboard with that diet in his personal life. In the fall of 2018, during the café’s construction, Robby suffered a heart attack in the middle of a workout. A former bodybuilder who prided himself on looking good on the outside, Robby was surprisingly unhealthy on the inside. At the age of 57, he turned to the plant-based diet to speed his recovery. More importantly, he jumped on board with Mia’s vision of a café where people got healthier, not sicker, from the food on the menu.
Best-selling authors and internationally recognized lecturers Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn also appear in the film.

Our Story
Our story began on July 26 2013, in what some would consider an encounter in a hopeless place… an AA meeting in Lutz, FL. Imagine, a recovering alcoholic with one and a half years of sobriety and an IV drug user just months clean & sober, having a divine encounter that changed the course of their lives forever. Through a multitude of miracles, signs and wonders, and against all odds, we were married in just 11 months on the Day of Pentecost (June 8, 2014). We said our wedding vows while standing under an authentic Jewish prayer shawl the Best Man and Maiden of Honor brought back from a recent trip to the Promised Land (Jerusalem). Most would think this would be the end of the story and we lived happily ever-after. But… this was just the beginning of God blessing the broken road. A broken road leading us first to Himself and then to each other. Through our obedience to stay true to the calling on our lives, we received degrees in Christian counseling and became certified Christian life coaches. Then, through a powerful revelation from endless devotion time spent in the “secret place,” Revelations Café was birthed. We never dreamed the platform we’d be given would have such far reaching effect in the Faith-Based & Plant-Based communities alike. Our love for Jesus and the desire to honor the temple of the Holy Spirit moves us forward. Through living a plant-based lifestyle, complete with regular exercise, we’ve learned the importance of “body, mind & Spirit.” Come… taste and see that it is good!

Cast & Crew

Revelations Café Proprietors/Christian Life Coaches
Robby Graham & Mia Revello-Graham

veriMED IPA – President
Martin Revello, MPH

Executive Chef – Revelations Café
Lori Martin

Producer & Director
John Corry
Producer John Corry oversees high profile documentary films, TV Series and Online Educational/New Media projects. His most recent producing projects include the feature documentary film The Mindfulness Movement (2020), with Deepak Chopra and Jewel, and the feature doc Code Blue (2019). John’s groundbreaking documentary Forks Over Knives has become one of the most influential health documentaries since its release in theaters and on Netflix in 2011. His other productions on health and wellness include PlantPure Nation and The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue, both seen on Netflix.